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Police & Fire

May 2, 2024
The Boca Grande Fire Dept. celebrated with their children spending time at the station. Shown with Chief Blosser are Ff. Colison with Zander, Colton Rossow and Ff. Moore with Carter.

April 25, 2024
The Wednesday, April 17 town hall meeting between officials of Lee and Charlotte addressed many issues, including emergency procedures. One topic mentioned was Charlotte County’s Alert Charlotte p…

April 25, 2024
‘Dual sync’ defib takes charge from both sides The Boca Grande Fire Department responded to a call at Gasparilla Outfitters on February 29, 2024, using new technology. The procedure saved custo…

April 19, 2024
Charlotte County elected officials and representatives gathered at the community center on Wednesday, April 17 for a townhall meeting to discuss topics of concern submitted by Gasparilla Island ci…

April 11, 2024
The Boca Grande Fire Control District submitted an application for renewal of their Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN), which Lee County staff have recommended for approval at…

April 11, 2024
The Boca Grande Fire Department is raising money to replace its ladder truck and refresh the department fleet after damage caused by hurricane exposure.  “We can’t even rely on it as a backup b…

April 11, 2024
The Boca Grande Fire Department came the aid of First Baptist Church of Boca Grande with the installation of their new speaker system.         Contributed photo

April 4, 2024
More fun than kids and walkie talkies Citizens interested in learning how to use the handheld radios supported by the new island AUXCOMM system are invited to attend upcoming training sessions….

April 4, 2024
Hurricane passes allow island residents and business owners to get back into Boca Grande after a major storm or evacuation event. Property owners and commercial businesses can obtain reentry passe…

March 28, 2024
BY BO HAMRICk, PROJECT COORDINATOR The Boca Grande Fire Department has received a of a further $148,000 from the Island Disaster Fund for the Auxiliary Emergency Communications System project,…