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March 21, 2024
There is officially a new person to call on-island for iguana removal, with former iguana hunter, George Cera, named as the secondary vendor.  The new iguana hunter in town, Brian Ambrose,…

March 21, 2024
Panelists at the annual Red Tide Forum shared that the latest word on red tide could be turmeric. The fourth in-person Red Tide Forum was held in the Community Center Auditorium on Tuesday afte…

March 21, 2024
In-person vote in both counties had Trump tied Even though Donald J. Trump had sealed up the Republican nomination a week before during Super Tuesday primaries, a few voters still came out Tues…

March 21, 2024
Beach-nesting birds have begun their breeding season along Florida’s coasts. Spring and summer mark critical times of year for these vulnerable species, as they must avoid human disturbance, storm…

March 21, 2024
A ballerina and a hopeless romantic meet at an art exhibit by the famous French artist Rodin’s statue of “The Kiss.” Of course, they fall in love almost instantly. Things get in the way, but event…

March 14, 2024
The coyote is here to stay in Florida. Indeed, we have had coyotes for quite some time. In fact, right now, if you live anywhere in Florida, you will share the landscape with coyotes, or Canis lat…

March 14, 2024
BY CAPT. WILL WATERHOUSE It’s starting to feel like spring here in Boca Grande, and the cold weather fishing patterns are starting to move on. The water temperatures have risen quite a bit over…

March 14, 2024
BY CAPT. JOE LACLAIR  When spring comes the world is new again and the great outdoors speaks to us in so many ways. This spring has been full of rain and the nesting birds have are missing many…

March 14, 2024
To the Editor:  Thank you for the standby Emergency Operations Center announcement coverage in this week’s Beacon. The emphasis in bold you added in the highlights & system overview se…

March 14, 2024
COURTESY LAMAR TOOLE, BOCA GRANDE GARDEN CLUB Flower farms are my passion. With this heartfelt sentence, floral designer and flower farm advocate Kelly Shore greeted members of the Boca Grande …