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October 22, 2021
The Boca Grande Health Clinic is conducting drive-thru flu shot clinics for our registered patients. The flu shots will be offered under the Clinic Annex carport. Please call the Clinic at 941-964-2…

October 22, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – The question of who owns the beach – and the water, for that matter – along Charlotte Harbor at Hill Tide Estates has been raised again, as there is now a semi-permanent fence at…

October 22, 2021
To the Editor: The Literature Forum is back and looking forward to inaugurating its 2021-22 season on Thursday, November 4th, with a presentation of “Circe” by Madeline Miller.  This follow-…

October 22, 2021
Celebrate Cayo Costa! Will be held at the Island State Park on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Affordable all-inclusive tickets feature round trip boat transportation from three departure…

October 22, 2021
The first performance of the 2021-22 Friends of the Boca Grande Community Center will be held on Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. when the Castalian Quartet takes the state. General admission tickets a…

October 22, 2021
If you are in the market for a motivational speaker for your next graduation, Kay Kemper is the woman for you. Energetic, optimistic, and full of joie de vivre, Kay could inspire the most woebegone…

October 22, 2021
It was a simpler time. A time when children would watch “Father Knows Best” and “The Brady Bunch” in their feety pajamas. A time when the best ride in town was a banana seat bicycle with playing car…

October 22, 2021
Breast cancer treatment has come a long way in the past 100 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that breast cancer was an infectious disease whose spread was expedited by…

October 15, 2021
By Turtle Patroller Tonya Bramlage Non-viable, unhatched nests are in the final weeks of excavation. These nests have not produced a hatching 70 days after their creation. There are a multitud…

October 15, 2021
By Erica Martin and Alice Court Live theater is back. Broadway is back. The West End is back. Touring companies are back on the road. And Royal Palm Players is back, too. At the end of the los…