Alice’s Secret Garden: A piece of the Fust Library, named for an island visionary
April 27, 2023
Submitted by the Johann Fust Library Foundation
On Friday, April 14, 2023, under the cover of dappled light and surrounded by latticed brick walls and lush greenery, an intimate crowd of curren…
Knight named new BGHS president, Blaha to serve as vice president
April 27, 2023
Johns Knight is the newly-elected president of the Boca Grande Historical Society. The Knight family came to Florida in 1840, settling first in Manatee County and later in Charlotte County. Before…
Saying goodbye to Rev. Martyn
April 27, 2023
It was a sad farewell on Sunday, April 23 at the Lighthouse United Methodist Church of Boca Grande, as Rev. Martyn Atkins took his leave of us and heads back over the pond to England. Rev. Martyn …
Celebrating the Gasparilla Island Lighthouse
April 27, 2023
The Gasparilla Island Lighthouse is open for business again. The historic structure was seriously damaged during Hurricane Ian, but with the help of many groups and individua…
April 27, 2023
“Being able to write a good paragraph can get you almost anywhere.”
That’s the thinking of Todd Simonds, whose own life is a testament to the truth of that idea. Todd was an English major in co…
Your weekly red tide report
April 27, 2023
Over the past week, the red tide organism Karenia brevis was detected in 86 samples collected from Florida’s Gulf Coast. Bloom concentrations (>100,000 cells/liter) were present in three sample…
April 27, 2023
Boca Beacon backpages
Aries: This is the week of self-realization, meaning you’ll realize how many chips you scarfed down during the Golden Girls marathon. Maybe the answer to what your ponderi…