PROFILE: Terry Hoffman, new Island School art teacher
August 17, 2023
The Island School has not only found an art teacher with pizazz, they found one with a sense of humor and a sense of purpose. The new art teacher is Terry Hoffman, and she loves bringing out the a…
Kerfuffle and confusion at the old bakery as crews clash over miscommunication
August 10, 2023
Thursday morning got a little crazy over on Railroad Avenue, as demolition crews showed up to start on the old Bakery Building at the same time T. Steele Construc…
An agnostic view of Boca Grande’s alien visits over the years
August 10, 2023
In the wake of the recent explosive hearings in the U.S. Congress on UFOs, now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the sole report of a 1999 UFO hovering near the causeway to Boca Grande still r…