Featured News
Three boys learned the danger of a spring tide the hard way after jumping off Causeway bridge
June 5, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE- Capt. Chuck Jenks had just dropped his tarpon fishing clients off at Pine Island on the afternoon of May 19 and was looking forward to dipping some crabs at the Boca Grande swing b…
GIWA 2019 water quality report available
June 5, 2020
BY BONNIE PRINGLE, GIWA- Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc.’s 2019 Water Quality Report is now available online at mygiwa.com/2019CCR.pdf. This report is designed to inform our membership abou…
It’s hurricane season: Get ready now!
May 29, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON- It’s that time of year again, when local residents cross their fingers and toes in hopes that tropical winds don’t break the pool screen or knock down the palm trees – or worse. Li…
If you’re cleaning out that pantry, here’s where to donate
May 29, 2020
STAFF REPORT- Islanders are beginning to head north and are asking about where to leave non-perishable food. Questions may be directed to Jane Caple at (941) 223-2367, Jim Cochrun at (239) 682-0091 o…
Are you missing packages or mail?
May 29, 2020
STAFF REPORT- If you are a post office box holder on the island or a guest who is expecting mail, and you have not received it, contact us at the Boca Beacon, mshortuse@bocabeacon.com. Several people…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: There is a full moon out this year
May 29, 2020
To the Editor: We can’t seem to get over the lunacy. The panic. The illogical decisions. While the coronavirus was most active, everyone was told we don’t have to wear masks, even though the N95…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: This isn’t the Boca Grande many know and love
May 29, 2020
To the Editor: What is happening to Boca Grande? For the 30 years plus that I have been here, the character of the island had been unique, all encompassing, friendly, and mellow. Until now. Somethin…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: One omission in ‘COVID diary’ story
May 29, 2020
To the Editor: I would like to add an addendum to my “diary” printed in the paper two weeks ago. I feel terrible about forgetfully leaving out what may have been the most important “lifeline” of all…
A young life changed in a moment: How you can help
May 22, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – A sweet and beautiful face that not long ago was often seen on the streets of Boca Grande – and who happens to be the daughter of the Boca Beacon’s office manager, Karen Clark – n…
Where to go when you’re feeling more ‘farm to table’ than ‘grocery store’
May 22, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – You may have noticed that what you’re finding in the grocery store lately isn’t the same as what you found prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. We all know that toilet paper is still s…