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December 9, 2016
Robert R. Hesse, Ed.D. of Indianapolis, Boca Grande (FL), Leland (MI) and Florence (IT) died on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at age 85 from complications of cancer.      Bob was born in Brooklyn, New Y…

December 2, 2016
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE      The planting of new palm trees on the Gilchrist Avenue median solidifies the fact that Lee County is done discussing the parking controversy that has surrounded that island t…

December 2, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      Emmy Szoke was a very proud mom when her son Frank graduated from Lemon Bay High School and at the same time completed a dual enrollment aviation maintenance program with Embry-Ri…

December 2, 2016
A Service of Celebration of the life of Carolyn Frederick will be held at the Boca Grande United Methodist Church on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 11 a.m. All who wish to pay their respects are invited to at…

December 2, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN Four years ago, Edd Dean planted a seven-gallon potted jackfruit tree on his Boca Grande property. Then he patiently waited until the tree produced a fruit. About a year ago, one small…

November 25, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN Amber Todd Guy’s world changed a few weeks ago. Her 3-year-old daughter, Zoe, had a cold that just wouldn’t go away. When a bothersome cough along with a low-grade fever continued to p…

November 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be temporarily changing the disinfection process for its potable (drinking) water supply. GIWA will disinfect the water with free…

November 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information regarding two crimes that occurred just off-island recently, involving the theft of boat motors and an enclosed traile…

November 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      The JF Library Foundation presents Boca Grande authors Alice Gorman, Lucinda Sullivan and Daly Walker with noted author Sena Jeter Naslund on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 4 p.m. at the Lib…

November 25, 2016
Joseph Verner Reed Jr., the under secretary for four secretaries general of the United Nations and, as chief of protocol under President George Bush, presided over one of the more colorful diplomatic…