Blue letter box must wait ‘til Post Office returns

There is no word on the opening date of the Boca Grande Post Office. In addition, the blue USPS letter box across the street, the island’s only post box, has also disappeared. Residents, who now must pay a toll to go off island to Placida to pick up their mail, also have to go off island to send mail, for what may be a long time.
Local officials do not have a date on when services will return, which could be months away. A representative from the USPS said Wednesday that having the box, with no office nearby to monitor, was a security issue.

Photo by Garland
“The security and sanctity of the mail is of paramount importance to the U.S. Postal Service,” wrote Lecia Hall, who is USPS strategic communications specialist (A) Florida 2 and Texas 1 districts. “This includes ensuring mail receptacles are secured, and in good condition at all times. When the Boca Grande Post Office resumes services, the collection box will also be made available for postal customers.”
The building has been gutted, and appears ready for drywall, but the USPS has not released a date.
Currently, Boca Grande residents can get their mail by asking at a side door inside the Placida Post Office. There is a buzzer there, and a handwritten sign, for a bit of a speakeasy effect. The hours are weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Some residents are getting mail for neighbors and friends, so they do not have to make special trips.
The island does have two mailing boxes from private overnight carriers. There is a FedEx box behind Newlin’s and there is a UPS drop box on Park Avenue in front of Crews National Bank.