BIPS announces new speaker series, Lighthouse lighting
The Barrier Island Parks Society announced today their plans for a new speaker series called, “BIPS 4 BIPS.” The second “BIPS” stands for Barrier Island Protection Series as part of their mission to inspire the exploration and preservation of our natural and historic treasures.
The series will include two forums in collaboration with Mote Marine Laboratory. The January 10 forum will cover red tide, with an update on what is happening in the science community, and the April 3 forum will cover water pollution, with an emphasis on plastics pollution that is killing off local wildlife. The third program on January 28 will feature a nationally recognized author and artist duo, Blair and Dawn Witherington, who wrote “Florida’s Living Beaches,” among others. The duo will speak about the wonders of our local beaches and showcase some of Dawn’s easily recognized artwork that is used in many local environmental and conservation areas.
BIPS is seeking sponsors who will be given reserved seating, website and Facebook recognition, recognition at the events and an invitation to all the receptions, including a private reception for The Witheringtons hosted by Alice and David Court.
You can share the island joy on Saturday, Dec. 14 when the annual lighting of the Lighthouse takes place. On one special night a year the Lighthouse beacon shines into the night sky, surrounded by thousands of beautiful holiday lights and merry cheer.
Enjoy live music by Kenny Rose and complimentary appetizers. Wine will also be served for a small donation, and this year there will also be a silent auction.
Proceeds help to support the Port Boca Grande Lighthouse & Museum and our four local barrier island state parks.
Gates open at the park, 880 Belcher Rd., at 5:30 p.m. The Lighthouse will be lit at approximately 5:45 p.m.
For more information, call 941-964-0060 or visit