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To the Editor: I just read the reply to my letter to the editor from last week, from Mr. Regnery. It made me dizzy…

Gilchrist in the 1940s (The following was sent to Lee County Commissioners by Boca Grande resident Bill Regnery on May…

To the Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors of Roy…

To the Editor: We read in last week’s Boca Beacon that you have r…

BY JACK SHORT Willy Townsend is proof of a lot of things, not the least of which among them is that you can get…

Bashie Meyer, 86, formerly of Fox Chapel and most recently of Longwood at Oakmont, passed away on Mother’s Day, May 10…

On Friday, May 1, The Boca Grande Isles Property Owners’ Association and 5F, LLC closed on a settlement agreement resol…

Firefighter Alex Moore and Lt. Lee Cooper of the Boca Grande Fire Department did their good deed for the day BY MARCY S…

Workers making a roof over a baby’s head safe. Photo/ Ben Scott Thanks to a last-minute push by generous anonym…