Obituary: R. Abel Garraghan
R. Abel Garraghan of Burgevin St., Kingston died unexpectedly on Monday, August 24, 2015 at his West Hyannisport, …
Obituary: Richard Newman
A full obituary for Richard Newman will be announced here next week, but services in his honor will be held on Saturday, S…
Apostles Build 2015 a success, can you help in 2016?
To the Editor: Under the Lord’s watchful eye our Apostles Build 2015 project began in early January and was completed on …
Mote scientists use iPhone technology to study sharks
BY KAITLYN FUSCO, MOTE MARINE – On Thursday, Aug. 6, Mote Marine La…
OBITUARY: Robert F. Shandorf
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Robert F. Shandorf, age 68, of St. Paul, MN and Boca Grande, FL died unexpectedly on 8/…
TIS students head back to school Monday
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – It was August 21, 2000 when The Island School opened its doors for the first time, with one classroom…
GICIA announces new information kiosk to grace town park
The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association has announced plans for a new kiosk to be erected downtown…
Storm time is here: Do you know where your hang tag is?
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – With the announcement of a new and potentially interesting tropical system headed in our direction yo…
Profile: J.T. Tremaine
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – J.T. Tremaine, a new teacher at The Island School this year, is a man of many talents. He learned at a…