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■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE It would be impossible to determine how many lives any of us has changed in our time here on earth, but…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Creating ice-cold concoctions daily and always serving them with a smile, this week’s profile candidate is Al…

By the time this week’s newspaper goes to press, we will be halfway into The World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament for 2016. We…

Nationally recognized artist Carroll Swayze is opening her studio to…

■ STAFF REPORT      If you hear some howling in the Pass Friday night…

 On Thursday, May 19 and Friday, May 20, Boca Grande Pass will see a field of at least 24 boats in the 2016 World’s Richest…

■ STAFF REPORT      Excitement is brewing as anglers and artists alike prepare for the 2016 Tarpon Festival in downtown Boca…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE      Ladies Day 2016 proved to be a great time for Capt. Lamar Joiner Jr. and his team on Searene, and t…

Veteran John Seelie rediscovered a Japanese silk flag when he…

■ BY SUE ERWIN      Saving the lives of unwanted animals is a costly and daunting task, but one tireless island restaurant o…