Obituary: Robert Edmund Boomer
Robert Edmund Boomer passed away peacefully on January 2, 2017 in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He was born on June 17, 1926…
Future projects, water usage to be discussed at meeting
■ BY THE GASPARILLA ISLAND WATER ASSOCIATION The Gasparilla Island Water Association’s annual membership meeting is pl…
The sentry is back on watch
■ STAFF REPORT As 2017 begins, islanders have the chance to witness the transformation of the long-neglected Rear Range…
GIBA financial committee meets to discuss audit
■ BY SUE ERWIN The Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority Finance/Au…
Java and Goliath groupers: Have coffee with a Mote scientist on January 11
■ BY SUE ERWIN If you’re interested in learning more about golia…
According to Bob Milne, it’s time to boogie!
■ BY SUE ERWIN Boca Grande music fans are in for a treat on Friday, Jan. 13. Friends of Boca Grande will be hosting the…
Keynote speaker to discuss Boca Grande railroad history
■ BY SUE ERWIN The Boca Grande Historical Society will feature guest speaker Theodore Cover at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan…
Profile: Jonna Foos
■ BY SUE ERWIN If you’ve stopped into the Boca Grande Health Clinic over the past couple of years, it’s very likely you…
So you think you know how to drive that four-wheeled thingamajig, do you?
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE If you just arrived on the island around Christmas, you might have noticed it was a little busy on the r…
Boca Bande playing on New Year’s Eve
Get your tickets now for the first Boca Bande New Year’s Eve Grande Gala. The party will take place at the Community House o…