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■ BY SUE ERWIN A local television news station reported recently that Lee County is looking to move a 1920s cottage once o…

■ BY SUE ERWIN A home watch worker observed seven baby ducks that appeared to be stranded in a swimming pool at a home on …

■ BY SUE ERWIN More than 30 volunteers showed up on June 3 to help clean up the north fishing pier. They removed more than…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Mosquitoes seem to be more of a problem this year th…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Alex Shouppe has been fishing in Boca Grande with hi…

■ SUBMITTED BY MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM Join Mote Marine Laboratory for the fourth annual Sarasota Lionfish D…

■ STAFF REPORT Ladies, are you ready for some more great tarpon fishing? The 2017 Ladies Night Out Howl at the Moon Tourna…

■ STAFF REPORT The 7th annual Gasparilla Island Kids Classic Tarpon Tournament presented by Columbia Sportswear is planned…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE On Tuesday, May 30 Attorney Michael Haymans of Punta Gorda addressed a group of about 25 people who we…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE On a day when many thought no fish would be caught, nine releases were recorded for the 2017 World’s R…