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■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Would you believe we have been dealing with Irma in our daily lives since Monday, Sept. 4? That was th…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE You will have to forgive me this week as far as the content of the paper goes, our office has had no w…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Cancellations and closings due to Irma include: • No services at the Boca Grande Lighthouse United Methodis…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Boca Grande Fire Chief C.W. Blosser addressed a…

■ Ronica Davis of Native Gardens and her friends Pat Cole, Rebecca …

■ BY SUE ERWIN Members of the Lighthouse United Methodist Church of Boca Grande set a challenge for the congregation to co…

■ BY SUE ERWIN A sea turtle nest that was thought to be lost to a storm has been accounted for and a baby hatching from it…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Kelly Emery is a great person to know when you need to cool down, especially during the steamy days of Sept…

■ SUBMITTED BY CHARLOTTE COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER Residents with pets face additional tasks when preparing for a…