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■ SUBMITTED BY BOOTS TOLSDORF Once again, RPP is going to captivate you ticket holders March 8 – 12 with a romping, romant…

■ BY SUE ERWIN     On February 14, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) contacted the Boca Grande Sea T…

■ SUBMITTED BY DOODLE JOHNSON.     Hi, Doodle here. Francie and Oakley rescued me from the shelter. Wow, that was their lu…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE.     Island resident Gary Siler is used to watc…

■ BY SUE ERWIN.     Retired licensed professional counselor Carol N…

To the Editor,      Tank’s Legacy is a local 501(c)3 dog-and-cat rescue organization. We recently had a three-day event at…


To the Editor: This year the Native Now Foundation will be offering the public an opportunity to experience a cultural ex…

■ STAFF REPORT     The Boca Grande 5K run will be held this Sunday, Feb. 26. Staff at the Boca Grande Community Center wou…

■ BY SUE ERWIN     Capt. Marian Schneider, an ecotourism pioneer who owned Grande Tours Kayak and Paddleboard Center in Pl…