Health officials issue mosquito-borne illness advisory
The Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) today advised residents there has been an increase in mosquito-born…
Curtain goes up on LBHS ‘A Christmas Carol’ in November
To the Editor: Lemon Bay High School Theatre Troupe 0257 commences its first season under the guidance of its new Director S…
Rare green nest one of the last hatches, 642 hatches total so far
■ BY SUE ERWIN Boca Grande Sea Turtle Association patroller Donna Larson reported that her last sea turtle nest hatched this…
Boating accident leads to death of Port Charlotte man
STAFF REPORT – On Sunday, October 13 at approximately 11:30 a.m., the…
So much more than a breast cancer survivor: Kathy James shares a personal story of her journey
■ BY SUE ERWIN One in eight women in the United States will get breas…
Mixer on the dock next Thursday
The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce has scheduled the first mixer of the season at Whidden’s Marina, (19…
Learn about bats, get ready to get creepy!
■ STAFF REPORT If you’ve never had a comfortable relationship with bats, give them another chance at a presentation sponsor-…
Historic Preservation Board discusses code enforcement issues
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE The Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board has a plan to firmly dig their heels in regarding following…
Pass cam future looks a little brighter, donations sought for its upkeep
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE In a last attempt to keep the Boca Grande Pass Cam dream alive, Gasparilla Outfitters and Gasparilla Vac…
Boca Grande Woman’s Club has new website, new link to upcoming season’s info
■ STAFF REPORT The Boca Grande Woman’s Club is excited to announce that it has launched a new website which will allow the c…