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■ STAFF REPORT The Gasparilla Inn & Club is pleased to announce a special January retreat, where guests will enjoy an im…

■ STAFF REPORT The firefighters at the Boca Grande Fire Department are “firing up the grill” to host a BBQ rib luncheon in t…

■ STAFF REPORT Jeff Koziol had a bit of a scary experience in Boca Grande waters on New Year’s Eve, but thanks to the help f…

■ STAFF REPORT The first “Coffee with a Scientist” series of 2020 hos…

■ STAFF REPORT Experience a miraculous world of magic, mind reading a…

A message from our good friend and Hughes Gallery owner, Barbara Hughes. A mess We kick off our 20th-year celebration with a…

■ SUBMITTED BY THE BOCA GRANDE GARDEN CLUB Russ Morash, the distinguished WGBH Boston producer and program creator, is speak…

■ BY SUE ERWIN John Mannion is a fitness trainer whose goal is to help people in Boca Grande gain strength and stability to…

Stan Walch, 85, died suddenly at his home in Boca Grande on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019. Stan was a 23-year resident of Boca Grand…

A celebration of the life of Rosemary Fannie Bowler, PhD, will be held on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 4:30 p.m.  Andrew Fone (Ro’s g…