‘Love Island’ star Elizabeth Weber has island ties
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – When 24-year-old Elizabeth Weber was contacted through Instagram by someone who claimed to be working fo…
Boca Grande Chamber announces ‘Educate Boca’ scholarship deadline
STAFF REPORT – The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce 2020 Educate Boca Scholarship Applications Committee reminds student…
11th annual ‘Hope for Haiti’ reception in Boca Grande
STAFF REPORT – The Boca Grande Hope For Haitians Committee agreed to fund 150 homes in the remote area of Savann Kabrit, Hai…
Farmer/florist to speak to the Boca Grande Garden Club
From Professor Jackson’s classroom of sailing spitballs to his Civil War brilliance
BY MARY COOK, FRIENDS OF BOCA GRANDE – Sam Gwynne treated the Friends…
Looks like there’s a ‘Wild, Wild West’ show a’comin’
STAFF REPORT – The committee for this year’s Boca Grande Woman’s Club Spring Fair met recently to make plans for the 2020 Sp…
Mayflower passengers and descendants surprise: New film features rebuilding and launching of Mayflower II
STAFF REPORT – On Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 4 p.m. in the Boca Grande Community Center auditorium, the Boca Grande Historical Socie…
A breakdown of the 11 productions to be featured at the Boca Grande Film Festival
STAFF REPORT – The 2nd annual Boca Grande Film Festival will begin on Thursday, Feb. 20 with a great line-up of 11 movies to…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fur Ball committee thanks everyone for their sponsorship
ToTo the Editor: Thank you, once again, to the Boca Grande Club, Inc. for hosting the 12th annual Tennis Fur Ball. If you at…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Many thanks to volunteers from St. Andrew’s
To the Editor: It is with a great deal of gratitude that St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church recognizes those in the community who…