A message from the Clinic: Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away.
BY DALY WALKER, MD – I recently talked with a young doctor who is working at the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic in …
‘Tempting’ morsels for hungry families: Local restaurant now doing more than just takeout
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – In the last few weeks, getting groceries has become quite a challenge. It’s a rare day that you can ma…
COVID-19 by the numbers since it all began
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – While cases numbering, on average, 350 a day are still being reported to the Florida Department of Hea…
First group of relief checks sent, more coming to those who apply
A message from the Clinic Director: ‘We are here for you’
SUBMITTED BY HILJA BILODEAU, BGHC – The Boca Grande Health Clinic h…
‘Victory Garden’ is the way to grow for the Petersons
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Boca Grande Garden Club member Ann Peterson has taken the time to pursue her passions by creating a ba…
Island food barrel donations given to Englewood Helping Hands this year
STAFF REPORT – Island food barrels were picked up earlier this month and stored for the season, but not to worry – they wi…
PROFILE: John Edwardson
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association board member John Edwardson came to Boca Gr…
OBITUARY: Carolyn Falter
Carolyn J. Falter, 82, of Boca Grande and Port Clinton, Ohio, formerly of Tiffin, Ohio, died at 4:55 a.m. Friday, April 10…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: How can we say thank you enough?
To the Editor, How can we say thank you enough to those who keep the heart of our little world beating? To Hudson’s: We ca…