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To the Editor: After all the pushback to the original Fishery complex development plan in Placida, I was shocked to se…

To the Editor:  The 12th annual Charlotte Harbor Regatta is scheduled for February 4-6, 2022. Approximately 45 bo…

The Englewood Invitational Winter Art Festival is a premiere art collecting opportunity for local homeowners and visitors…

By Thomas J. Ervin, M.D., Boca Grande Health Clinic Being asked…

“All that breathe are precious. Who is to say that the suffering o…

The guest speaker on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 19 at the Boca Grande Community Center was the focus of a very apprec…

When Boca Grande artists Emerson Wickwire, Linda Wolcott and Nancy Bass sat down together and looked at each other’s prop…

The Lee Board of County Commissioners voted Tuesday to accept a $120,000 grant from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserv…

If you have been trying to obtain the free COVID test kits that the government is sending out and you get a message that …

Next weekend the Boca Grande Art Center will president their annual President’s Art Show, featuring four past presidents …