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A BOCA BEACON TIMELINE FIVE YEARS AGO Dr. Raymond James joined the Boca Grande Health Clinic staff.  TEN YE…

By Hector Flores, Charlotte County The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are a time of celebration and reflection. I w…

To the Editor: The Gasparilla Island Maritime Museum and Whidden’s Marina would like to wish everyone a very Merry Chr…

T’was the night before Christmas and all around No noses were f…

FIVE YEARS AGO The Pink Pony got that really cool machine that presses pennies into different designs.  TEN YE…

This has been a strange year. So was the year before it … and the year before it … and so on. It’s been a non-stop pa…

In some cases, insurance premiums are up 400 percent on island homes for fiscal year 2022-23  Everyone has been a…

The actions of one local man erratically driving drunk last Friday, Dec. 9, could have had a much worse outcome than it d…

There are many people who love Boca Grande. There are a lucky few who are from Boca Grande. But there are some people…