‘Born Hungry’s’ Sash Simpson to join Film Fest for Q&A
When Top Chef Sash Simpson was first approached to make a movie about his life, he didn’t think anyone would be interested…
County considers parking requirements
A motion to draft amendments to parking requirements for Boca Grande and Matlacha Historic Districts was passed unanimously…
Hughes Gallery pop up today
Hughes Gallery proudly presents Daniel Ambrose, founder of The American Tonalist Society. Visit their gallery pop up today…
Pink Pony trim painting so Cheery
Aiden Douglas was out repainting the pink trim on the porch roof of…
Letters: Appreciation for recounting life of Roger in paradise
To the Editor:
Rick Stager’s tale (essay) in the January 10 Beacon was very rewarding to read and I wanted to thank him…
Better communication needed among island entities
BY EMERSON WICKWIRE Editor’s Note: Boca Grande resident Emerson Wickwi…
Three birds: A vulture, a cardinal and a woodpecker
How quickly the pace of the world moves. If you turn on the news, be prepared. Critics used to speak of the 24-hour news cy…
The 2025 Boca Grande Street Map
Each year, the Boca Beacon publishes the Boca Grande Street Map, a cooperative effort between the Boca Beacon and the merch…
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: An appreciation for wildlife and family … Lenore Lobel
Most tennis players in and around Boca Grande know Lenore Lobel as a formidable opponent on the courts. If that’s all they…