Woman’s Club Hurricane Ian Relief Fund
Accepting applications from those in need with Gasparilla Island ties
Submitted by the Boca Grande Woman’s Club
The Boca Grande Woman’s Club has established the Hurricane Ian Recovery Fund (“HIRF”), a committee-administered fund, to assist individuals and businesses of the greater Boca Grande community in providing financial support due to hardships incurred with Hurricane Ian. The BGWC members serving on the committee include Julie Newell, Julia Pierce, Chris Reecher, Angela Steffan, and VIcky Winterer. There have been over 150 applications submitted so far.
Applicants may apply if they have suffered losses due to Hurricane Ian personally or through their business that has a connection or longstanding history of service to Boca Grande. These funds are for losses not covered by insurance or other disaster relief funds available to the applicants. The committee will be reviewing applications for eligibility and level of assistance and administering the funds as quickly as possible. Applicants may submit for a HIRF grant by completing the form on our Club website.
Applications can be submitted online or placed in the locked drop box at the Boca Grande Fire Department. Applications are also available at the Boca Grande Fire Department (360 E. Railroad Ave) and Boca Beacon office (431 Park Ave, above the Gasparilla Outfitters).
Donors may contribute online on our Club website or mail checks made out to Boca Grande Woman’s Club, PO Box 65, Boca Grande FL 33921 (Please note Hurricane Ian Recovery Fund or “HIRF” in the memo line of your check).
The Boca Grande Woman’s Club is grateful for your support! We are very committed to this effort and to carrying out our BGWC mission of nearly 75 years, “Making a difference through service to our community.”