Shake a tree and a Futch will fall out on March 22
On Tuesday, March 22, David Futch will return to Boca Grande to speak at the last Historical Society lecture of the season and launch his recently published book, “Historic Tales of Gasparilla Island.”
In a recent email, David wrote that “Gasparilla Island’s only town of Boca Grande is my ancestral home. My great-grandfather Cicero Franklin “Frank” Futch landed on the island in 1883 with his new bride, Sarah. He ran a 30-man mullet-netting operation for 50 years and along the way had eight sons who had many sons which is why they say on Boca, ‘Shake a tree and a Futch will fall out.’ Only one Futch lives there now.”
David’s return to launch his book includes his lecture, readings from the book, an opportunity to meet the author, signed books and a special VIP reception with David and his stories. The lecture is free. Books may be reserved on the Historical Society website – bocagrandehistoricalsociety.com – as can the reception tickets. The lecture takes place in the Boca Grande Community Center Auditorium and will be simulcast to the Woman’s Club Room. Both are at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, and are free to all.
David’s email continues, “The book is about a crazy island and its fascination with fishing. And smuggling. And the Social Register families who have made it their winter playground starting in the 1920’s. The Gasparilla Inn is featured and there’s a great picture in the book – one of 44 old and current photos – of Walter Hagen teeing off at the now-gone Gulf Shores Golf Course that was on the beach.”