Letters: Supports trunk shows, shops and restaurants
To the Editor:
I read with increasing disappointment and real concern about the Lee County Commission’s continued failure to commit to any real transparency regarding the parking issue in B…

Gift from the Sea: An answer to the conflicts in our lives
A favorite beach book, for generations, has been Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s “Gift from the Sea.” It uses shells as a metaphor for fixing the stresses of modern America. The book is ultimately not about…

The Gilchrist Potato Stix, and other visual snacks
Early Thursday morning, there were high winds across the island. They caused waves that washed away newly deposited sand. Those winds, which brought much-needed rain, rustled the yellow reflective s…

The S.S. United States and a final American burial in the Gulf
There is a remarkable ship that will pass by us on this renamed Gulf in coming days. It is a last voyage for the greatest, fastest and most beautiful vessel that America, and the world, ever saw. It…