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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The importance of voting

October 5, 2023
By Boca Beacon Reader

To the Editor:

I wanted to take a moment to talk about the importance of being voter-ready. Voting is a crucial aspect of our society, and it’s how we make our voices heard. This is why my team and I have been working hard to provide voter education and outreach opportunities in our community while also preparing for the City of Punta Gorda election November 7, 2023.

We’ve been visiting local retirement communities, colleges, high schools, and tech centers to educate voters about the process and answer any questions they might have. We’re also helping residents register or pre-register to vote, renew their Vote-By-Mail requests, update party affiliation, and update signatures. Our mission is to ensure that every voter in Charlotte County can cast their vote. The City of Punta Gorda Election is just around the corner, and the 2024 Presidential race begins with the Presidential Preference Primary coming up on March 19th. That’s why it’s essential to be voter-ready in advance.

If you need to update your voter registration, signature, renew your Vote-By-Mail request, or locate your polling location, please refer to our newsletter, visit our website, or call 941-833-5400 today. Remember that your vote is your voice, and we want to make sure that every resident in Charlotte County can express their opinions and make their choices count.

Vote-By-Mail ballots expired November 8, 2022. If you’ve not done so already, renew yours today by clicking here! Once renewed, your request is valid through December 31, 2024.

Leah Valenti

Supervisor of Elections

Charlotte County