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Dog Life: Always remember

May 30, 2024
By Harry Kalajian, MDT

Editor’s Note: Harry Kalajian has been a local dog trainer since 2014, and a regular columnist on dog training for the Beacon. We will miss his thoughts and his optimistic attitude on training dogs. While he is leaving the area, many of his training videos are online, including a number filmed in downtown Boca Grande. To see more, visit

To all clients, friends, acquaintances and to all the readers. It saddens me to say this is my last article, I have recently moved back to Canada.

I’m sure you are wondering why! There are several reasons; 1 being for health/medical the other being for family as well as for a few other personal reasons. However you can still reach me through the usual ways. My new number is (263) 881-2189 you can also find it on my website under contact. I will help and answer any question if you’re experiencing any doggy issues.

To my clients it’s been a pleasure, privilege and honor to have met you and your dog through all the training and time spend together it was awesome.

Always remember when choosing a professional trainer seek the no nonsense trainer, not the bribing type with treats.

To reach your goals in training and you’re are willing to put time then follow always my formula to have success; Patience, Persistence, Consistency & Repetition.

If you still fail, it’s on you not your dog. You didn’t stick to the formula.

Woof Woof

Harry Kalajian, M.D.T. With over 35 years experience All Aspect of training, Behavior, Ethology & Psychology Executive Dog Training Inc.