The Bike Path and our Rails to Trails revolution

This upcoming Feb. 21 is the 40th anniversary of the dedication of the Boca Grande Bike Path. Pictured here is a drawing by the late Patti Middleton to promote that opening celebration back in 1985. It appeared on the cover of the Boca Beacon. (We will have commemorative pictures from Boca Beacon archives in our upcoming March/April Gasparilla Island Magazine.)
The trail is not just a civic amenity. It was also a lifeline during Hurricanes Helene and Milton, as it was the only drivable path from the north end of the island. Ironic, then, that a pathway built so long ago, without large bulldozers, held up better than our current road.
The creation and donation of the path in 1985 by the Bayard and Hugh Sharp families completely changed and upgraded the island, turning what had been a dirty, dangerous place ― an old railroad bed ― into an amenity, friendly for children and the elderly. It is ironic that an old railroad right-of-way enabled the permanent removal of thousands of car trips, each day, into the future, but that is what it did.
The trail came at the exact moment of the creation of the Rails to Trails Conservancy, founded in 1986. The Conservancy, which has been a national voice for these linear parks, was the idea of planner Peter Harnik, who later founded the Center for City Park Excellence at the Trust for Public Land. As far as we know, he had no part in the trail here. What Harnik realized was that across the nation there were hundreds of thousands of abandoned railroad rights-of-way, and if managed properly and allowed to continue as trails or bike paths, they could be a great asset for bringing communities together. It worked.
Nationally, there were two important issues to encourage trails. There was first the donation of the real estate; railroads had to be convinced this would help solve their problem of extra capacity. There was also the vision and willingness of local authorities to convert them to new uses. And there was the legal issue, as some landowners along railroads wanted pieces of “their” land back to prevent the public from using these paths. (There was also a subtext; the right-of-way may need to be preserved, in case some might be needed for passenger railroads again.)
Many people here have second residences and are familiar with other rail trails across the world, or up north. In Sarasota, and through massive public investment, their Legacy Trail runs all the way from Venice to Sarasota. Everywhere, these trails are giant engines of public health and environmentally friendly tourism. No cars!
The GICIA Bike Trail on the island is part of what was the old Seaboard and CSX railroad right-of-way, carved out by the Charlotte Harbor & Northern Railroad. That same right-of-way in Charlotte County was turned into the Cape Haze Pioneer Trail, which is eight miles long and runs from the Coral Creek Golf Club through Rotonda, to the end of McCall Road. It is a pity it does not go all the way to El Jobean, which is where that railroad line crosses. There are poor bicycle connections across the Causeway and in Placida, something that the Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority can address by creating a proper and completely safe bike lane on the bridge.
As there are large repair bills ahead for GICIA’s part of the path, there is still unfinished work in the Charlotte sections of the railroad right-of-way.
In separate news this week, we have learned that the Boca Grande Woman’s Club will not hold the Bike Parade this year. They had taken it over from Lee Parks and Recreation in 2023. While the Spring Fair may not be possible due to the messy grounds at the Boca Grande Community Center, the Bike Path is fine for a parade in spring.
A huge effort has been made to keep the path in shape, and that deserves celebration, especially at a time when exercise is so important. Bicycles have to be part of the answer.
The shuttered Boca Grande Fishing Pier (the old rail trestle), run and owned by Charlotte County, is a mess, with access on the old railroad bed ruined. This is hurting all on the island. We would suggest that others go to Kappy’s, get a soda and snack, take a walk around, say hello at Uncle Henry’s and see what you might do to write and “encourage” Charlotte County officials to get a move on and find the resources to reopen the fishing pier.
Last year, Lee County had to hold the Kids Fishing Tournament on the beach, as the Boca Grande Fishing Pier, part of that railroad right-of-way, was closed. There is major work that needs to be done to the access, including where the old railroad bed was washed out. Can this be fixed and perhaps improved, not only as a fishing spot, but as a public amenity and gathering spot to watch sunsets?
The Bike Path was a grand solution for the island, and visionary in 1985. But that was 40 years ago, and it was built on the work of railroad men and financiers a century earlier.
Does this island not have the resources in time, money and vision to preserve and expand this great public park, which runs (actually) from McCall Road, all the way to Boca Bay?
Of course we do.
Garland Pollard is editor of the Boca Beacon. Email letters and comments to