What: Welcome Back to the Island WebinarWhen: October 26, 2023, 3-4 p.m. EasternWhere: Virtual event. Register at:geniecastbroadcast.com/boca-grande-back-to-boca-2023-registration/
The Grande Rounds...
Fall has arrived and marks the start of a new season as many residents begin their return to Boca Grande. Our small island population again expands, restaurants reopen to welcome everyone back, and...
Thanks to the generosity of MaryLee and Jack Hollis, Boca Grande Health Clinic patients now get faster diagnoses without having to leave the island. A gift from the Hollis family provided the means...
By Andrew Colburn, Boca Grande Health Clinic
Back in 1993, the Professional Golf Association deemed August National Golf Month. For the golf obsessed, this is a great excuse to get out and play...
Chronic inflammation is the root of many health issues. While medical professionals recognize the link between inflammation and disease, there’s much more to learn about the connection and the impact...
By Bret Kueber, MD
Strokes happen when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, which prevents brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients, which leads to brain damage...